Ed Powers' quest for naturalism in The Real Naturals 20 transcends obvious questions like are the breasts real (yes, they all are) and also strives to capture real-life couples like Little (4' 9") Romeo and Ryan (5' 11") Meadows who do their thing. Ed also pops in to do his thing, and everyone is happy. Ivy Manner and Daisy prefer the softer sex and toy with one another with toys and a strap-on. Katie Morgan and Innocense Lix are pretty much let loose to do one another as they see fit, and their friend A.J. Simms joins in to make it an Ed-less threesome. Cute young natural gals. Cast: Innocense Lixx, Katie Morgan, Daisy, Ivy Manner, Ryan Meadows, Little Romeo, A.J. Simms, Ed Powers