British Young Sluts 2 (also known as British Teeny Sluts 2) starts with nineteen year old Laura applying for a job to help with her college expenses. Part of her job is to fuck her employer's nephew, and she soon has his stiff cock in her mouth. He kneels between her slender thighs and laps at her perfect shaved pussy before bending her over the Jacuzzi and throwing his hard cock into her from behind, giving her the fucking that she deserves. It turns out to be the nephew's lucky day because he finds slim fair-haired Mandy hot and ready to take him on. He starts by giving her a good licking, then she expertly deep throats his cock. He shags her tight young pussy in a variety of positions before Laura joins in and he sprays his load over their eager young faces in a steamy three-way finish! Eighteen year old Lucy takes time out for a little me-time and with her school tie and regulation white socks still on, she pulls her blue panties to one side and fingers her damp pussy. Her boyfriend walks in and can't resist the sight of the hot young flesh in front of him and jumps on top of her. She eagerly sucks on his rock hard cock and soon she is left wearing only her school tie and socks as he has her on her knees fucking her tight little pussy. He leaves, but bumps into Emma sat outside in the garden. Emma is still in her full school uniform of white blouse, tie, short skirt and white socks, but is ready for some action. She whips out his cock and quickly has it stuffed up her tight cunt. A steamy fuck in the sunshine follows, with the pigtailed girl taking every drop of his cum into her eager mouth. Fabulous British teenage action! Cast: Laura Hermenson, Mandy (Angel Long), Lucy (Vixen Cheshire), Emma (Raven)